Theaterstücke Tickets
111 Veranstaltungen an allen Orten
- Barbican Centre London, London, LND, GB
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- Winter Garden Theater New York, New York, NY, US
Über 200 Tickets übrig
Über 200 Tickets verfügbar
259 $
259 $
144 £
144 £
- Lyric Theatre London, London, LND, GB
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- Barbican Centre London, London, LND, GB
Nächste Woche
4 Ticket übrigt
4 Tickets verfügbar
150 £
150 £
- Winter Garden Theater New York, New York, NY, US
Nächste Woche
Über 200 Tickets übrig
Über 200 Tickets verfügbar
284 $
284 $
- The Old Vic, London, London, GB
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- The Old Vic, London, London, GB
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- Barbican Centre London, London, LND, GB
Nächste Woche
2 Ticket übrigt
2 Tickets verfügbar
348 £
348 £
- Winter Garden Theater New York, New York, NY, US
Nächste Woche
Über 200 Tickets übrig
Über 200 Tickets verfügbar
362 $
362 $
- The Old Vic, London, London, GB
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- Barbican Centre London, London, LND, GB
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- Barbican Centre London, London, LND, GB
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- Winter Garden Theater New York, New York, NY, US
Nächste Woche
Über 200 Tickets übrig
Über 200 Tickets verfügbar
336 $
336 $
- The Old Vic, London, London, GB
Nächste Woche
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- Barbican Centre London, London, LND, GB
Nächste Woche
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- Winter Garden Theater New York, New York, NY, US
Nächste Woche
79 Ticket übrigt
79 Tickets verfügbar
239 $
239 $
- The Old Vic, London, London, GB
Nächste Woche
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- Winter Garden Theater New York, New York, NY, US
Nächste Woche
81 Ticket übrigt
81 Tickets verfügbar
253 $
253 $
- Barbican Centre London, London, LND, GB
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- 12 Angry Men
- 1984
- 5º Andar, Por Favor!
- 887
- A 2,50 la Cuba Libre
- A Billion Nights on Earth
- A Bronx Tale
- A Clockwork Orange
- A Dolls House
- A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Gynecologic Oncology Unit
- A German Life
- A Man Of Good Hope
- A Midsummer Night's Dream
- A Parallelogram
- A Raisin in the Sun
- A Small Family Business
- A Steady Rain
- A Tale of Two Cities
- A Taste Of Honey
- A Taste Of Things To Come
- A Thousand Splendid Suns
- A View from the Bridge
- A Wonderful Life
- Abschiedsdinner
- Absinthe
- Actually
- Adel Verpflichtet
- Adventures In Wonderland
- After Miss Julie
- After the Blast
- After The Dance
- Afterglow
- Agamennone
- Ah Wilderness
- Aint Nothing Like Family
- Albion
- All About Eve
- All The Fine Boys
- American Mariachi
- American Son
- Amy and the Orphans
- An Act of God
- An Enemy of the People
- An Iliad
- An Inspector Calls
- An Octoroon
- Andromaca
- Angels in America
- Antigone
- Apesta
- Apologia
- Archduke
- Argonautika
- Around the World in 80 Days
- Art
- As Irmãs Macaluso
- As You Like It
- At home with my monsters
- At The Old Place
- Baccanti
- Bad Jews
- Bad Time Good Face
- Bakersfield Mist
- Barbecue
- Barber Shop Chronicles
- Barefoot in the Park
- Battlefield
- Before You Say I Do
- Beginning
- Bell Book and Candle
- Belleville
- Between Riverside and Crazy
- Between the Devil and The Deep Blue Sea
- Beyond Caring
- Big Night
- Big Resign Day
- Bigger Than You, Bigger Than Me
- Billionaire Boy
- Bitter Wheat
- Black Angels Over Tuskegee
- Blind Date
- Block Party
- Blood on the Snow
- Bobbie Clearly
- Boeing Boeing
- Bom Retiro 958 metros
- Brandheiß - Gelöscht wird später!
- Broken Glass
- Broue
- Buffalo Quickies
- Bug
- Building the Wall
- Bunny Bunny: Gilda Radner, A Sort of Love Story
- Buried Child
- Burt and Me
- Butcher
- C.S. Lewis Onstage
- Cabaret Bijou
- Cada Um Com Seus Pobrema
- Calendar Girls
- Caligula
- Calligraphy
- Caroline, Or Change
- Cartas de Jenny
- Cat in the Hat
- Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
- Celui Qui Tombe
- Charles Francis Chan Jrs Exotic Oriental Murder Mystery
- Cheers Live on Stage
- Children of a Lesser God
- Christmas Bingo
- Christmas Vacation
- Church and State
- Cinco horas con Mario
- Clarence Darrow
- Cleo
- Collective Rage
- Common Play
- Constellations
- Conversaciones con Mamá
- Coriolanus
- Cost Of Living
- Crazy For You
- Crossing Delancey
- Cuerdas
- Curtains Up
- Dan Cody’s Yacht
- Dance Nation
- Dancing At Lughnasa
- Dancing Lessons
- Das doppelte Lottchen
- Das Sams - Eine Woche voller Samstage
- De cómo un pobre entierra a la mamá
- Death of a Salesman
- Defendiendo al Cavernícola
- Delirio
- Der kleine Prinz
- Der kleine Störtebeker
- Der süsseste Wahnsinn
- Der Wunschpunsch
- Der Zaubermantel
- Desatinadas
- Despedida de Soltero
- Destiny of Desire
- Dick Whittington
- Die Eisjungfrau
- Die Legende vom heißen Sommer
- Die Leiden des jungen Werther
- Die unendliche Geschichte
- Die Wahrheit über Dinner for One
- Die Wildente
- Dinner für Spinner
- Dirty Great Love Story
- Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
- Disgraced
- Dixies Never Wear a Tubetop
- Dixies Tupperware Party
- Doctor Faustus
- Don Juan in Soho
- Don Quijote und Sancho Pansa
- Dracula
- Draußen vor der Tür
- Dream Freaks Fall From Space
- Drei Männer im Schnee
- Eclipsed
- Ein Gespräch im Hause Stein über den abwesenden Herrn von Goethe
- Ejercicios Fantásticos del Yo
- El Farmer
- El Funeral
- El HDP del Sombrero
- El público
- El Sentido del Humor: dos tontos y yo
- Elegy
- Elliot A Soldiers Fugue
- Endgame
- Entre Boleros y Tango
- Equus
- Ernie
- Escaped Alone
- Escenas de la Vida Conyugal
- Evening at the Talk House
- Everybody
- Extrawurst
- Fanny & Alexander
- Farinelli and the King
- Father Comes Home From The War
- Faust. Der Tragödie erster Teil
- Feathers of Fire
- Filottete
- Fire in Dreamland
- Firme, saque pecho, Arr!
- Flanagans Wake
- Fleabag
- Foxfinder
- Frankie and Johnny in the Clair de Lune
- Franks Washington Island
- Frau Holle
- From The House of The Dead
- Frozen Play
- Ganesh versus the Third Reich
- Gangsta Granny
- Gaslight
- Gatsby
- Gelogene Wahrheiten
- Gently Down The Stream
- Ghost Light
- Girl From The North Country
- Girls & Boys
- Giudizio Universale
- Globe to Globe Hamlet
- God Looked Away
- Good For Otto
- Graeme of Thrones
- Greater Tuna
- Grief is the Thing With Feathers
- Guards at the Taj
- Guess Whos Coming To Dinner
- Gypsy
- Hamlet
- Hand To God
- Hands on a Hardbody
- Hangmen
- Hannelore Kohl - ein Leben im Schatten
- Hansard
- Hard Times
- Harry Clarke
- Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
- Haruki Murakami's Sleep
- Having Our Say
- Hay un Complot 2
- Head of Passes
- Heilig Abend
- Heisenberg
- Henry IV
- Henry V
- Her Story
- Here Lies Love
- Hermanoteu na Terra de Godah
- Herr Landwirt, Ihre Gurke wächst
- Hinter verzauberten Fenstern
- Hir
- Historias de Diván
- HMS Pinafore
- Holmes and Watson
- Home I'm Darling
- Hotel Good Luck
- How I Learned To Drive
- How To Be A Rock Critic
- How To Transcend A Happy Marriage
- Human Bestiary
- Hungry
- I Hate Hamlet
- I Love A Piano
- I'm Not Running
- If I Forget
- Il berretto a sonagli
- Im Labyrinth der Bücher
- IMMACULATE akt I out of the box
- Imperium I: Conspirator
- In and of Itself
- In Between
- In The Blood
- In the Body of the World
- In the Mood
- Indecent
- Infarto, ¡No vayas a la luz!
- Ink
- Intelligence
- Its A Wonderful Life
- Jane Eyre
- Jaroslav Dusek- Four Agreements
- Jazz (Play)
- Jefferson's Garden
- Jesus Hopped the A Train
- Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer
- Jitney
- John
- Jonah and Otto
- Jonah and The Whale
- Julie
- Julio César
- JUNK The Golden Age of Debt
- Kaltgestellt
- Kennst du mich noch?
- Kill Local
- Killer Joe
- Kim's Convenience
- King Charles III
- King Hedley II
- King Lear
- King of the Yees
- King Richard II
- Komplexe Väter
- La dama de negro
- La familia Semianyki
- La Havana Madrid
- La Isla Encantada
- La Maestra Normal
- La Merda
- La Vida Moderna
- La última sesión de Freud
- Labour of Love
- Las Obras Completas de William Shakespeare
- Last of the Red Hot Lovers
- Late Nite Catechism
- Latin History For Morons
- Laughter On The 23rd Floor
- Lazarus
- Les Liaisons Dangereuses
- Les Morissette
- Letters from a Nut
- Lieber ein komischer Vogel als ein grauer Star
- Limehouse
- Linda
- Linda Vista
- Little Rock
- Lobby Hero
- Locos por el Té
- Long Days Journey Into Night
- Los 4 jinetes del apocalife
- Los Hijos de Donald Trump
- Lost in Shanghai
- Lotus
- Love From A Stranger
- Lovesong of the Electric Bear
- Luna The Play Tickts
- Lungs
- M Butterfly
- Macbeth
- Machinal
- Macht, Moral und Mauschelei
- Madam Butterfly
- Man from Nebraska
- Man to Man
- Mark Twain Tonight
- Marriage Can Be Murder
- Married But Single Too
- Marvins Room
- Mary Page Marlowe
- Mary Stuart
- Masquerade
- Master Class
- McGuire The Play
- Me and My Girl
- Measure for Measure
- Men Are From Mars Women Are From Venus
- Mercy Killers
- Meteor Shower
- Meu Passado Não Me Condena
- Minions El Musical
- Miracle of Christmas
- Miseria e nobiltà
- Misery
- Miss Julie
- Mistero Buffo
- Mlimas Tale
- Mommas Boy
- Monsieur Claude und seine Töchter
- Mood Music
- Mr and Mrs Pennyworth
- Mr Poppers Penguins
- Mrs. Miller Does Her Thing
- Much Ado about Nothing
- My Son the Waiter A Jewish Tragedy
- Männerschlussverkauf
- Nackte Tatsachen
- Nadando con Tiburones
- Napoli, Brooklyn
- Natasha, Pierre and The Great Comet of 1812
- Native Gardens
- Ne Jrümmel In D'r Trööt
- Neapel milionaria
- Nine Night
- No sé si cortarme las venas o dejármelas largas
- No vuelvo a beber
- Noises Off
- North By Northwest
- Not Dead Enough
- Not That Jewish
- NotMoses
- Nuestras Mujeres
- Nächstes Jahr, gleiche Zeit
- O Teatro Mágico
- Objects in the Mirror
- Obsession
- Oedipus El Rey
- Of HUman Bondage
- Of Mice and Men
- Office Hour
- Oh Alpengluhn!
- Oh Hello
- Oleanna
- Oliver Twist
- On The Exhale
- On the Shore of the Wide World
- One Woman Sex and the City
- Opa wird verkauft
- Orgasmos La Comedia
- Oslo
- Othello
- Our Lady of 121st Street
- Our Lady of Kibeho
- Paarungen
- Pageant of the Masters
- Pamplona
- Paradise Blue
- Pass Over
- Passagier 23
- Passionsspiele
- Perfect Crime
- Perfectos desconocidos
- Peter and the Starcatcher
- Phaedra(s)
- Phoenix
- Picasso at the Lapin Agile
- Pipeline
- Plantation!
- Potted Potter
- Present Laughter
- Pride and Prejudice
- Prodigal Son
- Project Juno
- Proof
- Puppet Up
- Purgatorio
- Put The Nuns in Charge
- Queen Of The Mist
- queens
- Raz
- Red - Play
- Red Speedo
- Red The Play
- Red Velvet
- Refugia
- Relevance
- Richard III
- Robin Hood
- Roe
- Roman Tragedies
- Romantics Anonymous
- Romeo and Juliet
- Ronja Räubertochter
- Rosencrantz and Guildensern are Dead
- Ruhe! Wir drehen!
- Running Wild
- Saint Joan
- Salomé
- Sancho an Act of Remembrance
- Scalia and Ginsburg
- Schlager gibt es immer wieder
- School Girls
- Sea Wall
- Secret Life of Humans
- See Me Now
- Sekretärinnen
- Sense and Sensibility
- Set It Off
- Sex Tips for Straight Women From a Gay Man
- Sex with Strangers
- Shadow Land
- Shakespeare In Love
- She Loves Me
- Shear Madness
- Shukshin´s stories
- Significant Other
- Silent Sky
- Silla
- Sive
- Six Degrees of Separation
- Skandal im Spreebezirk
- Skeleton Crew
- Skintight
- Slavas Snowshow
- Sleep No More
- Small Mouth Sounds
- Smart People
- Society of Seven
- Soft Power
- Solaris
- Sommergäste von Maxim Gorki
- Sonny Boys
- Soul of Shaolin
- Sovereignty
- Spatz & Engel
- Spirit of Christmas
- Spätlese
- St Nicholas
- Steel Magnolias
- Straight White Men
- Strangers On A Train
- Stuffed
- Sugar In Our Wounds
- Summer and Smoke
- Support Group for Men
- Sweat
- A Frank's Christmas
- A Monster Calls
- A Profoundly Affectionate, Passionate Devotion To Someone (-noun)
- Ab Jetzt!
- Alexandre Astier
- Alice's Adventures Underground
- Almost, Maine
- Amédé
- Anatomy Of A Suicide
- Andreas Hofer
- Androcles And The Lion
- Antigone Au Printemps
- Aschenputtel Leipzig
- Assata Taught Me
- At Home at the Zoo
- Babysitter
- Beijing Symphony Orchestra
- Best Ager
- Bestimmt wird alles gut
- Betroffenheit
- Betrunkene
- BU21
- Buffalo Theatre Ensemble
- By The Water
- C'est Rouge
- Charleys Tante
- Chrissy Metz
- Church Basement Ladies
- City Of Glass
- Closer
- Cock
- Consent
- Dar He: The Story Of Emmett Till
- Das Portrait Einer Dame
- Death Of A King: A Live Theatrical Experience
- Der Drag Queen Olivia auf der Spur!
- Der Graf von Monte Christo
- Der Nussknacker
- Die kleine Hexe
- Die Neue
- Die Straße der Ameisen
- Die Walküre
- Dimitris Papaioannou
- Dragon
- Drei Haselnüsse für Aschenbrödel - Der Originalfilm mit Live-Orchester
- Drei Haselnüsse für Aschenbrödel - Die Original Familien-Show
- Drumline LIVE
- Edgar 2 Et Ses Fantômes
- Encore Une Fois Si Vous Le Permettez
- Exit the King
- Familienkonzerte - Theater Kiel
- Filthy Business
- Froggy
- Gracie
- Grounded
- Große Freiheit Nr. 7
- Grug and the Rainbow
- Heiße Ecke
- Heiße Zeiten
- Hold These Truths
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